Toast of Jax Toastmasters

History and Meaning of the Club’s Logo

The Logo – From Vision to Reality

On April 6, 2002, a written motion was introduced to change the Club's name from Beauclerc-Mandarin Toastmasters to Toast of Jax Toastmasters. Toastmaster Steve Lazar, an architect, immediately sketched a drawing that captured the essence of our Club’s breakfast meeting (see left).

Upon reflection, it became clear that the logo also conveyed two significant messages. First, the Club taps into an unseen energy field to create great toastmasters. Second, it reflected the phrase appended to the club’s mission statement in 1997, “and to have fun doing it.” The logo symbolizes our club’s success in making it all magically come together while also enjoying the process.

Steve Lazar was encouraged to refine his initial doodle into something that could become an official club logo. Despite a very busy professional schedule, Steve produced a revised drawing and a hand-colored vision, which he provided to the Club Webmaster. Through the aid of a scanner and computer graphics, the logo was further tweaked and . . .

the rest, as they say, is Club history.

Initial Doodle

April 6, 2002

Computer Draft

June 22, 2002

Refined Drawing

June 17, 2002

Computer Colored

June 22, 2002

Hand Colored Draft

June 17, 2002

w/Web Background

June 22, 2002

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